... the TV tower ... the TV tower ox Fernsehturm

First I sat here where I couldn't get the feet into the picture and it was difficult to estimate the (lively) bike and foot traffic that'd come around the corner a bit further.
[Continued in next picture (#0438B]

Sun, 30 Jun 2019, Object: Dresden [Wachwitz]; Camera: Dresden [Laubegast] - On a vacation bike trip.
Clothing status: 2 Pos 2 - With moving for several meters in between Undressed twice for one series each.
Been seen? 30 % - Can't completely be ruled out.
Where are the trousers? Where are the trousers? - I'm sitting on them.

Amount of pictures: 2 P +2 = 4
The camera was operated by the serial self timer. The camera was operated by the serial self timer. - Panasonic TZ-71