... St. Nicholas' Church and the Santa Casa de Misericórdia building ... St. Nicholas' Church and the Santa Casa de Misericórdia building first's ox igreja de São Nicolau, latter's tx Holy House of Compassion

That cost a bit of time, but not because someone was coming by all the time: Between the location of the camera and me there's a three minute walk due to a steep wall in between. Then I did not know that the timer clock for the serial self timer works with the time of day, not with "minutes after activation", which resulted in once walking in vain. Then the battery was dead, so it took another ten minutes to get a fresh one until I finally could start.

Sun, 23 Aug 2020, Object: Mesão Frio [K (São Nicolau)] {P}; Camera: Gestaçô [Anquião] {P} - On vacation.
Clothing status: 3*3 - Undressed twice for one picture each within one series.
Been seen? 5 % - If so, from a window, otherwise rather not.
Where are the trousers? Where are the trousers? - A few steps in front of me.

The camera was operated by the serial self timer. The camera was operated by the serial self timer. - Panasonic TZ-71